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Please join us for the Modern Jewish Dilemmas Series:


May 4 and 18:  Medical Ethics through a Jewish Lens


Examine how core values of Torah and beyond inform medical dilemmas of today.  We’ll select as a group, but topics may include live organ donation, assisted death, stem cell research and cosmetic surgery.


June 8 and 22:  Environmental Dilemmas


Examine core Torah values related to the environment and how they align (or not) with modern-day climate change and other discussions. Topics may include human-nature interdependency, Eco-Kashrut, genetically modified harvests, and just treatment of animals.


Note:  Each Adult Education class is a stand-alone lesson:  one need not attend the prior session to follow the next.


We will be meeting at the home of one our members, with an address to be provided via email.
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Meeting ID: 885 6383 8285
Passcode: 777063

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