NFRS does not charge for High Holiday Services which are open to all, although we do request that nonmembers and those who would like to attend via Zoom register.  Donations to the synagogue are appreciated in order to defray the costs of the services and help the synagogue to continue to serve the community.  Click here to see all the ways that you can support NFRS.

Rabbi Levy and our Cantorial Soloist, Linda Jones, accompanied on harp and piano by Claudia Wigent, will be presiding at our High Holiday Services at the synagogue and will be streamed live via Zoom.  For those attending via Zoom, access instructions will be sent to you once you register.   For prayer books, you can click on the following link to purchase the Kindle ebook versions from Amazon.  The Kindle app can be downloaded from Amazon using these instructions.

We will be holding children’s services at the following times:

  • Rosh Hashanah Morning at 10:00 am
  • Yom Kippur Morning at 10:00 am – click here to register.

View our High Holiday calendar below.  To download and print this calendar, click on the down arrow in the white box at the top of the document.
